When you’re working offshore on oil and gas platforms, you face serious risks to your health and well-being — and you are dependent on your company to follow best practices for keeping you safe.
Unfortunately, things can and do go wrong regularly when you’re employed offshore. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 2.6% of all serious work-related injuries reported from 2015 to 2022 were in the oil and gas industry. Offshore explosions can be one of the biggest risks these workers face, and they often cause serious or even fatal injuries.
Why Choose Our Offshore Explosion Attorney in Lafayette?
When workers are harmed while employed on offshore oil and gas platforms, this can sometimes result in very complex legal cases. Fortunately, the Lafayette offshore injury attorneys at Anderson Blanda & Saltzman have many years of in-depth experience in this complicated area of law.
As one of the top offshore law firms in Louisiana, we have been representing injured oil and gas workers for decades – and have successfully litigated numerous cases involving oil rig injuries in both state and federal waters.
If you or someone you love was hurt or killed in an offshore explosion, you should give us a call today at (337) 233-3366 to schedule your free consultation and learn about the representation we can offer as you fight for your rights.
How to Recover Compensation After an Offshore Explosion.
Because of the variety of structures used in the oil and gas exploration and production industry, the first step in these cases is to properly identify the true nature of the structure and its precise location.
Where the structure is a fixed platform resting on the bed of the Gulf of Mexico in federal waters, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) entitles injured workers to pursue their case in federal court. The federal statute allows the injured worker to recover damages from the party responsible for the accident.
In addition to OCSLA, our legal team has a thorough understanding of all laws and statutes that may apply to offshore and/or maritime injury claims. This could potentially include:
- Louisiana workers’ compensation laws that cover workers for on-the-job injuries regardless of negligence or wrongdoing on the part of employers
- Louisiana personal injury laws, allow for claims against non-employers responsible for losses, such as the manufacturers of defective equipment that causes an explosion.
- The Jones Act, allows oil rig workers and maritime employees to make claims against negligent employers to collect maintenance and cure benefits.
- The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, provides workers’ comp benefits under federal law for those working on navigable waterways of the U.S.
- The Death on the High Seas Act offers death benefits if a fatal injury occurs three nautical miles outside of state waterways.
Our offshore explosion attorneys in Lafayette have the knowledge and skill to thoroughly evaluate and investigate your unique situation to determine whether you have a claim under these laws and to ensure that you receive the best possible representation in these often complicated cases.
Common Causes of Offshore Explosion
Offshore oil and gas platforms can explode for many potential reasons including:
- Malfunctioning equipment
- Misreading or misinterpreting pressure test readings
- Electrical fires
- Blowouts
- Controlled fires igniting flammable gases
- Failure to adequately maintain the rig
- Corrosion
- Negligent hiring
- Problems with the pressure system
Many of these causes are entirely preventable. If the rig is properly maintained and the equipment is properly designed, it should keep you safe from explosions Sadly, failures occur and can have devastating consequences when rigs explode.
Injuries Resulting from Offshore Explosions
Some of the most common injuries suffered by victims in offshore cases include:
- Head trauma
- Neck injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Back injuries
- Burns
- Loss of limbs
- Broken bones
These injuries can be life-changing, making it impossible to continue work in the physically demanding oil and gas industry. This means workers lucky enough to survive an explosion are often left with injuries that not only impair their quality of life but also prevent them from earning a living. In these circumstances, getting full and fair compensation in these circumstances is especially essential.
Getting Help from an Offshore Explosion Attorney
Our maritime lawyers in Lafayette are dedicated to helping the victims of offshore accidents rebuild their lives after they suffer a serious injury or other tragic event.
Once we accept your case, we will provide you with financial support for vital medical care – and we can also help you find a physician if needed. In addition, we provide counseling, support, and guidance throughout your case. And just as importantly, we will handle all aspects of dealing with insurance companies, filing your legal claim, and litigating your case from start to finish.
You can rest assured that Anderson Blanda & Saltzman will be here to help you throughout the entire legal process as we work toward obtaining the full value of your claim. Give us a call today at (337) 233-3366 to speak with a Lafayette offshore explosion attorney you can trust.